Grandparents as Parents of KY Conference
Tuesday, March 21st All Day
This annual event will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at the Clarion Hotel, 1950 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY.
This year’s keynote speaker, Allison Davis Maxon is the Executive Director of the National Center on Adoption & Permanency. Allison is a nationally recognized expert in the fields of child welfare and children’s mental health specializing in Attachment, Developmental Trauma and Permanency/Adoption. She will be presenting two workshops: Kinship Families: Supporting Inter-Generational Healing and Seven Core Issues in Kinship Families: Strengths, Growth and Healing. There will be six other workshops offered – Understanding Trauma Response, Legal, Social Media & Mental Health, Stress Management, Family Bridges, and Substance Abuse.
The first 100 kinship caregivers to register will receive a free copy of The Seven Core Issues Workbook for Parents of Traumatized Children and Teens
Be sure to signup for a FREE Legal Consult
We hope that you will make an effort to join us again or for the first time on March 21. The conference fee is $10.00 for grandparent, relative or caregiver and $75.00 for professionals (includes CEUs for Social Work and FRYC Training Hours). Registration fee includes lunch and workshop materials. Please note that there will be no refunds after March 7.
A limited number of free legal consultations regarding guardianship, custody, child support and related issues will be available upon request. Appointments will be assigned based upon the date the consultation request is received.
Reservation information is included in this packet or you can register online at: If you need additional information, call the Fayette County Extension Office at (859) 257-5582 or e-mail us at
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you on March 21 at the GAP Conference.