365 Black: One Community United in Blackness is a series that centers Black voices, experiences, and perspectives.
Thursday, March 28th 1:00 PM
Post-COVID, mental health has increasingly been centered in conversations about social issues and marginalized communities. Particularly, conversations around mental health have become more acceptable and even normalized in many spaces of Blackness. However, as cornerstones of the community, Black women still face unique challenges & barriers to receiving financially accessible and culturally appropriate healthcare to address the complex & toxic stress, trauma, and alienation that have become an intimate part of our identities and day-to-day experiences.
Supporting H.E.R. is an interactive, discussion-based learning event to explore and address these challenges in a way that reinforces the critical nature of ongoing recovery, connection, and peer support to address the wide range of mental health needs for all Black women.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Anyone who is, identifies as, or loves a Black woman