Free / Sliding Scale Resources
Haven Family Counseling
2301 Goldsmith Lane, Louisville, KY 40218
Psychiatric Evaluations, Medication Management Services, Individual Therapy, Family Therapy
Hosparus Health - Louisville
3526 Ephraim McDowell Drive, Louisville, KY 40205
Grief Counseling - Individual, Family, or Group.
Jewish Family & Career Services
2821 Klempner Way, Louisville, KY 40205
Services: Provide services in the areas of Career Services, Counseling Services, and Family Strengthening
Louisville Community Acupuncture
909 Barret Avenue Louisville, KY 40204
Services: Wellness Services
Louisville Seminary
(502) 895-3411, ext. 363
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1044 Alta Vista Road, Louisville, Kentucky, 40205
Services: Family Therapy, Couples Therapy, and Children's Therapy.
Mental Health Lou
Many Universities and Agencies offer free counseling services through interns. Please contact Mental Health Lou via the web address above if you are looking for free or sliding scale services offered locally and they can help connect you to a provider.
The Cardinal Success Program @ NIA
Office: 502-852-3888
4001 Herman Street, Suite #121, Louisville, KY 40212
Services: Access to free quality counseling psychology and psychological assessment services to uninsured or underinsured Louisvillians of any age. Services are provided by graduate students enrolled in multiple mental health programs at the University of Louisville working under the direct supervision of licensed mental health professionals.
The Center for Behavioral Health (CBH) at Spalding University
851 S. Fourth St. Louisville, KY 40203
Services: CBH offers mental health services to meet a variety of needs in our community. It is also a premier training clinic where doctoral students in the School of Professional Psychology (SOPP) receive high quality supervised clinical training.
University of Louisville Psychological Services Center (PSC)
training clinic that provides affordable mental health services (e.g. individual, couple, family and group therapy as well as psychological assessments) to people of all ages in the community. Service fees operate on a sliding scale that is based on gross annual household income. Services are also provided by doctoral graduate students being trained by licensed clinical psychologists.
Address: 2010 S. 1st Street, Davidson Hall Suite 210, Louisville, KY 40208
Phone: 502-852-6782